Here at Lady Luck Consulting we write press releases regularly. We write website content, we write slogans, marketing campaigns... you name it, we write.
Slogans are something that are intended to be catchy yet I usually end up attaching great meaning behind my short, three to five word quips. I wrote one three years, seven months ago after speaking with a gentleman who had faced discrimination his entire life, compounded by self-inflicted struggles leading to him becoming a felon and, on top of it, he decides to add a service dog to his life for his back problems; he couldn't pick a Golden Retriever, but went with a bully breed. More discrimination. It didn't take long to have this short slogan pop into my head "Because Discrimination Bites." He loved it. Seemingly everyone did but I wonder if people let it sink in? I wonder if they understand the depth of emotional turmoil this man has gone through in his life that lead me to come up with this after hearing his story for the first time?
It doesn't matter. It stuck.
I try to celebrate even the smallest of victories with my small business - a story going viral, the media contacting me to ask "what's up? got any good story leads?" - but when something this profound happens, it isn't just a moment to celebrate it is a genuine victory, it's a moment to pause and be thankful for the future of the cause with which you've fallen deeply in love.
So with this I offer the following press release that I have written an hundred times in my head over the past three years, seven months:

I try to celebrate even the smallest of victories with my small business - a story going viral, the media contacting me to ask "what's up? got any good story leads?" - but when something this profound happens, it isn't just a moment to celebrate it is a genuine victory, it's a moment to pause and be thankful for the future of the cause with which you've fallen deeply in love.
So with this I offer the following press release that I have written an hundred times in my head over the past three years, seven months:
Shorty Rossi, Pit Boss, receives designation as nonprofit
If you'd like more information or to schedule an interview with one of our corporate officers, please call Julie Hernandez at 818.850.2310 or email
Julie Marie Miller-Hernandez
Director of Marketing & Public Relations
BLOG POST AUTHORED BY: Julie Miller, President of Lady Luck Consulting
To continue to receive updates, please "like" us on Facebook
#smallbusiness #charity #nonprofit #success #patience #shortyrossi #pitboss
Shorty Rossi, Pit Boss, receives designation as nonprofit
Shorty’s Charities Inc.
Los Angeles,
California, US September 6, 2013
Since 2010, you've known Luigi Francis Shorty Rossi as the Pit Boss on Discovery Channel's Animal Planet.
Since 2010, you've known Luigi Francis Shorty Rossi as the Pit Boss on Discovery Channel's Animal Planet.
Shorty Rossi
has subsequently become the national spokesperson and unwavering ally for bully
breeds and a voice against breed specific legislation.
It's been
three (long) years in seeking this designation and recognition but we moved
forward with our pursuit to help injured, homeless and abandoned bully breeds
in our efforts to provide financial, physical and monetary support to the smaller,
local pit bull rescues across the nation. We have not wavered from this goal,
holding true to our mission statement:
a strong voice against stereotyping and stigma. We do not seek your pity and
don't appreciate your prejudice. We are here to help one discrimination case at
a time through education, enlightenment and to fight, if necessary, for the
underdogs of the world."
It is with
great anticipation and pride that I am pleased to announce, as of September 4th
2013, Shorty's Charities Inc has been approved and is now recognized as a
501(c)(3) nonprofit charity.
At this
time, I'd like to take the opportunity to formally introduce to you, Shorty
Rossi the philanthropist.
If you'd like more information or to schedule an interview with one of our corporate officers, please call Julie Hernandez at 818.850.2310 or email
Julie Marie Miller-Hernandez
Director of Marketing & Public Relations
Secretary, Shorty's Charities Inc., a nonprofit
BLOG POST AUTHORED BY: Julie Miller, President of Lady Luck Consulting

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#smallbusiness #charity #nonprofit #success #patience #shortyrossi #pitboss